Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Sketches

These are more sketches I made.

Some Sketches

I love to make sketches of people's face, profile, or characters

These are my dad and mom.

These are my sister and brother when they were kids.

And sometimes I also make sketches of my favorite celebrities.
Mostly I make sketches of David Cook, American Idol 7 winner.

And my other favorite celebrity is Angelina Jolie. I love how perfect her face is. So nice to draw her.

These are sketches of my cute lil cousin Livia Ullman. She's so pretty. I love to make her sketches.

People are Animals

This poster was about how cruel a human can be, in a certain condition.

Mathematic Pattern

I love mathematic so much.

These artworks started with my thought of how magical mathematic is. Mathematic is always about pattern. I guess that's why I love mathematic so much. I always do.

At first I made a pattern based on the multiples of each number from 1 - 100, in a 10 x 10 boxes box.

Each box represent one number:

So in the multiples of 1, all of the boxes are red.

in the multiple of 2, only the even boxes are red.

in the multiple of 3, the red boxes started to make a nice pattern like this.

This is the pattern of 4...











These are all the pattern from 1 - 100:

and then I explored those mathematic pattern to be so many new amazing patterns:

This one is the pattern of their factors. Each square inside the black-outlined-box represent one number from 1 - 17. I can see which number has the most factors.

Geometric Patterns

Since I was a kid, I was always interested in geometric pattern. I think they are magical. I really like it.

So I made lots of geometric pattern. I post some of them here.